Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Chapter 11 &12

They are not taught to read, to write, to speak, or to be proud of themselves or their race" (p.234).
This passage in the chapte spoke to me because out of both chapters this is where you understand where Pat Conroy really comes out foe his students. He shows compassion for his students and lets the board know how he feels about the way they handle this school on the island. He even notes that if they were white there would be no question of education and literacy. But since they are black they are thrown under the bus and not thought of again. I do not understand how any school or board could not have compassion for students who are willing to learn. How does a teacher, principal, administrator be in this field and not want their students to get the best out of an education. What is the point if not to teach our students and ensure a fututre for them. The students are the sole prupose for us as teachers is to teach and helpm the students learn. I mean how does this board not see that. Oh this has just got me burned up. The board does not even care about these students and it is obvious that the administration does not either except for Pat Conroy.  I think that maybe into his first few days, he began to realize that himself. He took it upon himself even when he did not have to to make sure his students learned something everyday they were in class. I should say out of class as well. With Conroy there was always learning involved. This is what I liked so much about this book. It is inspiring to see a teacher of his capacity to devote his life to teaching young minds and ensure learning is taking place.


  1. I think you would agree with me when I say that I felt the passion in him when he was talking to the board. For him to put himself, career, and family on the line that is a true teacher; he was willing to do anything it took to get his students the education they deserved. I like the sentence you chose also, that one was on my list of sentences, but since you chose it glad I did not. But it speaks volumes, at school, you are supposed to be taught and nurtured, which includes your self-concept. These students were being taught that it was there fault that they were black, poor, and poorly educated. Conroy has changed that in some of the people on the island.

  2. I really enjoyed this book. I am glad that Conroy stood up for his students and I was rooting him on during the board meetings. I was really upset that people would really want others to be illiterate and not educated. I thought that it was amazing to see how one teacher was able to take what little had and provide so much for his students. We as teachers can accomplish so much with the right help and support from the right people. Plus, this book shows that sometimes you have to do whatever it takes to provide a great education for your students if no one else will help you. After reading this book, I wonder if Conroy ever back to the island to take the kids on field trips or if he brought any visitors with him. I would also like to know what happened to the students who stayed with Conroy.

  3. I think that Conroy cared a good deal for his students. His compassion for the students I believe is what drove him to fight so hard to keep his job on the island. All in all this was a good book; I wish it had ended better for Conroy. It really sucks that he lost his job because a bunch of people in power do not like it when things change.
