Friday, March 16, 2012

chapter 9 & 10

"This was my own greatest problem. How much did the kids know and what should I teach them?" (p.183).

This is one of the most common problems for all teachers I believe. Most teachers want to know how much do the students know and how are we going to help them learn?  We as teacehrs are going to really learn and observe our students to get an understanding of how the students learn because there are many different learning styles for many different students. We are going to have to assess the situation and act accordingly in order for the students to get the best education there is possible.During my field experience I have observed and gathered useful information concerning classroom management, how to integrate more than one subject, and most importantly how to relate to my students. First of all like Conroy, I want to get to know my students and find out where they come from. Getting to kow my students is important because  as a teacher we must understand how the students live and what type of background they come from. Conroy, got to know his students and the parents to better educate his students. He got on a personal level with them, talk like he understood what they were talking about and taught what he thought the students would enjoy. Even with the criticism he received from Mrs. Brown, he still persisted to ensure the students learned and received an education. I admire Conroy for this and hope I can aspire to be as good a teacehr and strong as a teacher as he was.

1 comment:

  1. I think that you chose a great quote Cathy. I also agree that assessing students is one of the major problems that teachers face. Getting to know each child is essential because teachers have to differentiate instruction based on every student’s need. I really like how Conroy went out of his way to get to know his students and I liked how he incorporated different things to get his students interested. The ending of the book is getting closer and I hope that Conroy will continue to keep doing a great job. I hope that I try as hard as Conroy did in my first year of teaching. One thing that I would like to know is what the students of Yamacraw Island are doing now.
